CP - County of Placer
CP stands for County of Placer
Here you will find, what does CP stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate County of Placer? County of Placer can be abbreviated as CP What does CP stand for? CP stands for County of Placer. What does County of Placer mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in Granite Bay, California.
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Alternative definitions of CP
- Conservative Party
- Process capability
- Color Printer
- Commercial Paper
- Chest pain
- Código Penal
- Close Proximity
- Cerebral Palsy
View 661 other definitions of CP on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- CAA Cork Association for Autism
- CMH Chicot Memorial Hospital
- COD Canvas On Demand
- CRH Compass Regional Hospice
- CII Control Innovations Inc.
- CELA C. Edward Lovins Agency
- COK City of Ottawa Kansas
- CTV Century Trucks and Vans
- CFML Chancellor Financial Management Limited
- CSF Commercial Spaceflight Federation
- CLIEV Collective Leadership Institute E.V.
- CSNNO Canadian School of Natural Nutrition Ottawa
- CGCPL Capstone Geo Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
- CNPL The Capital Network Pty Ltd
- CMSCH The Castle Museum of Saginaw County History
- CCL Creative Constructors LLC